-From preschool children to adolescents and adults. A hands-on oriented course for psychologists and educational-psychological consultants.
We are happy to offer another international certification course in Dynamic Assessment 28th-30th of October and 25th-26th of November 2019. The course is organized by Teacher and facilitator is one of the leading international instructors in dynamic assessment, child psychologist Ruth Deutsch.
Course description
Dynamic Assessment is a complementary or alternate set of assessment and intervention procedures that enable the psychologist to assess underlying cognitive abilities required for a range of learning and developmental needs. Dynamic assessment is relevant in all educational psychological counseling contexts, for children's psychologists and neuropsychologists, and for counseling in regard to training and treatment of children and adolescents with extensive functional challenges. The course qualifies participants for using dynamic testing of children from pre-school age and up to young adults. The course introduces and includes a number of dynamic test tools, instructions and scoring tools. The course qualifies and allows you to buy and use a series of dynamic tests.
The course will draw on the most up-to-date research and test development within the dynamic assessment field. The course combines theoretical teaching, introduction to the core concepts and practical training in the dynamic approach to testing and assessment, enabling participants to implement dynamic assessment in their educational psychological, neuropsychological and clinical practice. The method and tools are relevant in relation to working with children and adolescents with special educational needs, learning disorders, from cultural or linguistic minority backgrounds, from cultural / family-deprived rearing environments, children with emotional and behavioral problems, and children with different backgrounds underlying cognitive underperformance.
Practical informations
Part 1: 28th-30th of October 2019
Part 2: 25th-26th of November 2019
Course hours first day of both modules 9.30am - 4.30pm. Course hours other days 9am - to 4pm.
A light breakfast will be available every day half an hour before the course starts.
Detailed schedule will be sent to participants prior to course start.
(Note the earlier course in Cognitive Abilities Profile, 25th-26th of February 2019, which can be taken independently or in connection with this course. A discount will be given for participants who attend both courses).
Course venue
The course venue is in the center of Copenhagen with convinient and short public transport distance from Central Station and Copenhagen Airport. The name and adress of the course venue is: Danhostel Copenhagen Amager, Vejlands Allé 200, 2300 København S (
Course format
The course is an external course (accommodation not included). The course is conducted as an alternation between presentation, video analysis, exercises and discussion. The course involves reading a number of submitted articles and written material prior to the course. Between the two course modules, participants will have the opportunity to practice the methods and tests presented.
Please note: The course is held in English by a teacher with many years of international teaching experience. Selected parts of the course material will be translated into Danish (as well as supplied in English), but the ability to acquire English language literature is necessary.
Course price is 10´750 DKK (Danish currency) and includes:
• Teaching and extensive teaching materials (course binder)
• Test materials, registration and scoring sheets for some of the tests (except DAYC tests and Raven Matrices)
• Certification and right to subsequent buy and use the tests from the DAYC test battery (Dynamic Assessment of Young Children) included in the course (CATM and CCPAM)
• Breakfast, lunch, tea and coffee during the day
A discount of 1'000 DKK (Danish currency) is awarded to participants who also participate in the earlier course in Cognitive Abilities Profile.
The course price does not include accommodation. The test materials developed by David Tzuriel (Dynamic Assessment of Younger Children) are not included in the course fee. It implies 2 different tests (Children´s Analogical Thinking Modifiability Test - CATM and Children´s Conceptual and Perceptual Analogical Modifiability Test - CCPAM) at a price of DKK 3´000 DKK per test. Furthermore, Ravens Matrices is not included in the course price (2 different booklets at a price of 500 DKK per booklet). These tests can be obtained before or after the course, if desired. The test materials which are necessary during the course will be available on the course.
Registration and further information
Write to course organizer:, psychologist Jens Wilbrandt, mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Or call phone +45 22 32 44 01 if you want to ask or discuss anything.
After course registration, an invoice will be sent for payment. Please note, that you are only sure of course admission when you receive a confirmation of payment. In case of cancellation of the course, due to few participants, teacher illness etc. the full course fee will be repayed.
Last deadline for enrollment is 27th of October 2019. After this date, please contact us and ask if it is still possible to sign up for the course.
Participant eligibility
The course is relevant for educational psychologists, child psychologists and child neurologists and clinical psychologists, working in or outside the school / preschool / education field and/or with advisory functions in relation to children´s learning and development.
A limited number of seats will be offered to educational consultants with other relevant educational or professional backgrounds (non-psychologists will not exceed 25 % of the participants due to Danish continued professional development demands).
Course content
Part 1: Content
The basis for interactive testing / dynamic assessment in theory and practice. Comparison of principles and methods in dynamic assessment and standardized norm based psychometric testing. Knowledge of typical and atypical development of cognitive skills and learning prerequisites. Dynamic assessment of pre-school and school aged children as well as older children with learning difficulties.
Part 2: Content
Dynamic assessment of older children and adolescents as well as young adults. Test selection, administration, interpretation and use. Intervention perspectives. School-based dynamic assessment and post-school testing and dynamic testing in relation to everyday life skills and social skills. Use of dynamic assessment in complex cases, including cases involving interdisciplinary collaboration and / or varying functional problems across contexts.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
- To deepen psychologists’ understanding of cognitive abilities underlying access to thinking and problem solving skills for a wide range of learners in and outside the classroom.
- To enable participants to become familiar with a range of DA instruments and know how to select, administer and interpret their findings in relation to curriculum.
- To enable participants to acquire skills to develop interventions based on their DA findings in education settings.
- To develops psychologists’ understanding of Mediated Learning and its practical application within dynamic
assessment and guiding interventions by teachers and parents within and outside of classroom teaching. - To develop the ability to use Dynamic Assessment alongside selected standardised tests creating a blended model of assessment in practice.
- To build on skills taught in each workshop through submission of case reports, video materials and to receive mentoring and support from a network of experienced DA practitioners. The latter goal to be facilitate outside of the course structure.
Brief summary of recent psychological theory underpinning the course content
Dynamic assessment is based on the Social Constructivist theories of Vygotsky (1934, 1978). DA work has been significantly developed and diversified in recent decades as a response to challenges to the use of standardized Intelligence tests and awareness of ecological validity issue in the assessment of diverse cultural and ethnic populations. Core methods in DA are built on theory and measurement of Learning Potential, especially in disadvantaged learners. Theory of mediated learning has been developed by Feuerstein and colleagues (1979, 2002) whose DA battery the LPAD (Learning Propensity Assessment Device) has been very influential in the research and development work in this field (Lidz& Elliot, (2000). Current Dynamic assessment is closely linked with ongoing neuropsychological research, based on mental models of brain functioning and cognition proposed by Luria (1973) - a foremost student of Vygotsky, European applications of DA in ethnic and cultural minority groups, for example (Hessels, 2000; Hessels & Schlatter, 2002) as well as DA in the field of Speech and Language.
Course organizer and teacher
Teacher throughout the course
Ruth M Deutsch is teacher during the entire course. Ruth is an educational and child Psychologist who was trained in the USA, Canada and Israel. She studied with leading DA practioners and developers Reuven Feuerstein, Haywood and Lidz in Dynamic Assessment and Cognitive Educational programmes. She is an internationally accredited and leading UK trainer with more than 30 years of experience working with children and adolescents, families and schools. She is visiting lecturer on the Doctorate for Educational Psychologists at UEL, London and Queen’s University, Belfast, Consultant Educational Psychologist to the Hope Centre in London, a multi -professional Special Educational Needs centre. She has been teaching at the Feuerstein Institute (ICELP) in both DA and the cognitive training system Instrumental Enrichment and is qualified as instructor in Tzuriels DAYC (Dynamic Assessment of Younger Children). Togehter with Michelle Mohammed she has developed the Cognitive Abilities Profile (2010).
Course organizer and provider
The course is provided and organized by, psychologist Jens Wilbrandt. Jens Wilbrandt has many years of experience in the special education field and is qualified in both LPAD, DAYC, IE and CAP. He is an exponent of a development-oriented educational psychological approach and has many years of experience as a facilitator, lecturer and course teacher in the neuropsychological, and educational psychological field. In addition to carrying out a wide range of continued professional development tasks, he works with dynamic assessment, cognitive training and counseling in relation to children and adolescents with extensive learning and development issues, both in relation to school, home and home care.
See more at:
Professional and ethical standards for the course
Training materials - any materials used will be used with permission of the authors and any video material used will only be done so with full permission of children, families and clinicians. Any case studies will be anonymized.
DA is an inclusive model of assessment and intervention which is recognized as being appropriate for use with children and young people from any educational, social or cultural background and aims to provide a positive and intervention focused assessment experience.
2. Competence
The trainer Ruth Deutsch, is a chartered Educational and Child Psychologist HCPC registered and associate of the BPS and thus adheres to the appropriate ethical codes of conduct. The trainer has internationally recognized qualifications in DA and Ruth is a lead trainer and practitioner of DA who is a senior trainer for the Feuerstein Institute. She is also accredited to teach the younger years DA tools developed by Tzuriel and colleagues. Participants will be encouraged to consider their own skills and how to develop practice and to adhere to published guidance for specific approaches/ test materials presented. They will be offered the opportunity to receive supervision and feedback on DA skills to develop their competence.
DA is firmly grounded in psychological theory and the training will draw on this extensively as well as international research on various aspects of the approach.
3. and 4. Responsibility and Integrity
Participants will be encouraged to carry out any assessments, as a result of learning on this course, in a transparent and responsible fashion and to be clear about when this is an appropriate tool to use.