Bright Start course in Denmark 26th-28th of October 2020
All over the world, even in the most advanced school systems, many children arrive at first grade unprepared to learn effectively in the primary grades. Some have special needs related to disability, whereas others have simply not developed the essential foundational tools for systematic thinking and learning. All children can benefit from help in developing and applying those tools.
Target group for the Bright Start program
Bright Start was developed in the USA by a team of psychologists and early years educators led by Professor Carl Haywood at Vanderbilt University, Tennesse, (Haywood Brookes and Burns, 1985). It has been used successfully with children from 3 to 9 years of age, including those with typical and even gifted development, intellectual disability, autistic spectrum disorders, hearing and vision impairment, emotional and behavior disorders, disorders of language development, and learning disabilities, in both segregated and inclusive classes. In addition to its classroom use, the program is used clinically by psychologists, educational counselors, speech and language therapists, and physical and occupational therapists.
What is Bright Start
Bright Start is a supplemental curriculum for preschool, kindergarten, and primary grade children. Systematically focused on the development and application of basic thinking processes, it is designed to help children think logically and learn effectively. The program consists of 187 daily lessons in 8 “units”: Self -Regulation; Number Concepts; Comparison; Role Taking; Classification; Sequence and Pattern; Letter-Shape Concepts and Transformation, plus a cognitive-motivational theory of intellectual development, a mediational teaching style, a cognitive-mediational system for behavior management, and a parent participation component. Because the lessons in Bright Start are very different from a standard content-oriented curriculum, and because the program relies heavily on a special style of teaching, teacher training in its application is necessary.
Evidence base
Research in 10 countries shows positive effects on cognitive development, reading, math achievement, language, learning motivation, overall school achievement, and school readiness. (Annotated bibliography available on request: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Practical information
26th-28th of October 2020
Detailed schedule will be sent to participants prior to course together with suggested pre-course reading materials.
Course venue
The course will be held in the central part of Odense in a short walking distance from the central station. Adress: Mødecenter (Meeting center) Odense, Buchwaldsgade 48, 5000 Odense C, Denmark.
Course format
The course is a non-residential course (accommodation not included). It is conducted as a combination of presentation, video analysis, exercises and discussion. Course participants will be supplied with a couple of useful introductory articles prior to the course.
Course materials
Each course participants will be provided with a full material set of the Bright Start materials, which include the the Bright Start Units; Parent Handbook, and Student Record Form. A set of theory papers will also be supplied.
Course language
The course is an international course and teaching will be in easily understandable English.
Course presenter
The course will be delivered by Dr Ruth Deutsch, Chartered Educational and Child Psychologist, who is an experienced user of Bright Start and a delegated trainer for the program.
Course price for international participants is 7´500 DKK (Danish currency). For danish participants, there will be added 25 % local VAT. The price includes a full set of Bright Start materials with Training materials and theoretical material.
Registration and further information
You can sign up for the course online through this link: or you can write an email to course organizer:, psychologist Jens Wilbrandt, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You will then get an invoice with bank transfer information. Or you can call phone +45 22 32 44 01 if you want to ask or discuss anything.
Course teacher
Teacher at the workshop is Albert Janssens from Belgium. Albert is teacher in regular and special education in Belgium. He has the following background:
- Lector in the teachers training: bachelor special education and at the Vilniaus Kolegia in Lithuania
- Trainer of the D.O.S.Q.I.-concept in many kindergartens and preschools in Belgium and Lithuania
- Founder of CeSMOO (formation centre, 1992)
- Developer of the D.O.S.Q.I.-concept
- M.I.S.C. – trainer and responsible for M.I.S.C. in Belgium
- Trainer in different cognitive programs: Feuerstein, Haywood, Greenberg
- Trainer in the communication and relation concept of Cuvelier
- Has followed workshops on different levels on S. Greenspans program
- Has followed workshops on the Hanen-therapy and is soon graduating as Hanen instructor
He has ublished 4 books on the D.O.S.Q.I.-theme:
‘Kleine kinderen helpen groot worden (Gezin en handicap, 2008)
‘Groeien doe je samen’ (with E. van Doorn, Lannoo, 2012)
‘Ontwikkelen doe je samen’ (werkboek, Garant, 2019)
‘Ontwikkelen doe je samen’ (weekkalender, Garant 2020)
Author and developer of the Bright Start programme
Carl Haywood is one of the major contributors to the field of dynamic assessment, mediated learning, and cognitive development. He is the developer, with Brooks and Burns, of the Bright Start programme as well as large number of publications and books about dynamic assessment and mediated learning. He worked with leading developers within the field, such as Reuven Feuerstein, David Tzuriel and Carol Lidz among others, with whom he developed the first Masters Degree program in DA in the US. He developed DA versions of some of the original tests of André Rey. He has held many leading positions and contributed hugely to the field. He is now Professor of Psychology and Neurology, Emeritus, at Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Course organizer and provider
The course is provided and organized by psychologist Jens Wilbrandt. Jens Wilbrandt has many years of experience in the special education field and is qualified in both LPAD, DAYC, IE and CAP. He is an exponent of a development-oriented educational psychological approach and has many years of experience as a facilitator, lecturer and course teacher in the neuropsychological, and educational psychological field. In addition to carrying out a wide range of continued professional development tasks, he works with dynamic assessment, cognitive training and counseling in relation to children and adolescents with extensive learning and development issues, both in relation to school, home and home care.